June 2017 Haak Law LLC Client Letter
Dear Clients and Friends: I'm writing this month about risks posed by "vigilante" safety enforcement given that OSHA may decrease...

A Little "Smoking Gun" Control Goes a Long Way...
Back in 2010 a major auto manufacturer suffered through embarrassment and substantial reputational damage when a trove of "smoking gun"...

Retro Post -- In Case of a Water Landing
(Originally published in 2012) My family and I just returned from vacation early this past Monday morning. The trip marked my 4 year old...

Retro Post -- Safety Haiku
For those of you who may not remember, a "haiku" is a Japanese poem of 3 lines that consists of exactly 17 syllables -- 5 in the first...

New OSHRC Decision – The Importance of Multi-Employer Worksite Precautions
A recent decision by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) underscores the importance of taking proper...