Guest Bass Fishing Blog Post
Bass fishing is very fun, but requires a lot of knowledge to achieve peak performance out of an angler and their gear. It is important...

Zombies, USEPA, and "Surviving the Blood Moon"...
For the past 2 years, my son and I have been pretty obsessed with killing video game zombies in one form or another. Nearly every...

Mr. Rogers, and Remembering Why I Became an Environmental Attorney
I've had the great pleasure over the past two weeks of working again for the first time in many years with the person who gave me my...

June 2017 Haak Law LLC Client Letter
Dear Clients and Friends: I'm writing this month about risks posed by "vigilante" safety enforcement given that OSHA may decrease...

A Little "Smoking Gun" Control Goes a Long Way...
Back in 2010 a major auto manufacturer suffered through embarrassment and substantial reputational damage when a trove of "smoking gun"...

Retro Post -- In Case of a Water Landing
(Originally published in 2012) My family and I just returned from vacation early this past Monday morning. The trip marked my 4 year old...